For Spa Services Providers Who Want More Clients ...

We'll Get You At Least 7 Booked Appointments In 7 Days ...

Or You Don't Pay!

We'll even put it in writing if your business qualifies and we end up working together ...


Fill Out The Form Below To See How It Works!

When you enter your details below, you'll see a real-time demonstration

of how our automated texting system

gets you appointments fast.

You Don't Want To Waste Your Time.

You Don't Want To Waste

Your Time.

Hello, I'm Carlos Soto, an expert in automating appointment scheduling for spa services providers using Ai (artificial intelligence).

There is a good chance that my team and I can assist you in getting booked appointments for your spa services, but the only way to confirm this is through a brief discussion with you.

I understand that if the tables were turned, I would be hesitant to schedule a phone call with a stranger. Hence, I assure you that this conversation is not a disguised sales pitch or one of those "high-pressure" calls that masquerade as "strategy sessions."

Whether or not we decide to collaborate, I guarantee that you will gain genuine value from our discussion right from the start.

Here's Exactly What Happens When We Talk

The sole purpose of our conversation is to see if I can help you.

I can't help everyone and we'll know whether or not I can help you in the first few minutes.

Assuming that I can get you booked appointments, this is what we'll do:

Here's What Happens When We Work Together.

Step 1

Set The Target:

The process is quite simple.

First, we identify exactly what you want to accomplish and the desired timeframe. Once we have this information, we make it our primary focus to work towards achieving them.

Step 2

Get The "Raw Materials":

If your business is similar to all the others we've collaborated with, you may already possess some "raw materials" that we can leverage to achieve your objectives.

For instance, your database, sales process, target audience, offers, past promotions - all of these elements can serve as "raw materials" to bring us closer to your desired outcome.

After gaining a thorough comprehension of the workings and the underlying figures, we progress towards...

Step 3

The One-Step Action Plan:

What sets this experience apart from anything you've previously attempted is the one-step action plan.

Rather than offering a lengthy list of potential solutions, we meticulously examine all aspects of your business and utilize that information to identify the SINGLE MOST EFFECTIVE ACTION to take right now to rapidly move you towards your objective.

Gone are the days of feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or chasing after shiny objects, "tricks," or "hacks." Instead, we provide straightforward, data-driven, and mathematically sound steps.

This Straightforward Approach Is What

Let Us GUARANTEE Results For Our Clients.

If you decide to partner with us, we provide an explicit guarantee of producing results.

To clarify, we ensure that we assist you in generating a revenue that exceeds our fee in measurable terms.

If we are unable to do so, we have a straightforward policy:


However, the decision to become our client is entirely up to you, and we will only discuss it if you express an interest in doing so after our initial conversation.

To let us demonstrate our ability to help you, book a call with us.

To begin, click the button below and select an available date and time that works best for you from the calendar.

6795 Edmond Street 3rd Floor,
Las Vegas, NV 89118

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